The Mediation & Arbitration Specialists
What we do
We resolve disputes efficiently and effectively from first contact to final resolution. We provide an independent panel of fully qualified and skilled mediators and arbitrators who will manage and resolve your dispute in a private and professional manner at a convenient location. Our personal and online services make the entire process simple, efficient, confidential and client friendly.
Types of disputes we resolve
We resolve disputes relating to employment, contract, commercial, professional liability, insurance, family, and matrimonial matters. Our service is not suitable for separation, maintenance, custody, or disputes of small value. It is suited to significant commercial, financial, land, family assets and property disputes.
Save the time, expense, and stress of going through the courts.
Resolve your dispute privately and creatively with an independent mediator.
Our outstanding panellists will decide your dispute justly, efficiently, and privately.
Arbitrations are run on a schedule to suit the parties, not the courts.
Our encrypted, secure, online portal allows efficient exchange of documents.
Other Services
Free mediation suitability evaluations.
Early neutral evaluation of your case by our experts.
Mini Trials.
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Juris Resolutions
The Mount, 2 Woodstock Link, Belfast, BT6 8DD
028 9073 0168