FinTrU Ltd

Founded in 2013, FinTrU’s wide-ranging expertise in KYC (Know Your Customer), Compliance, Risk and Legal enables the creation of technology-enabled Client Lifecycle Management solutions for leading global financial institutions. The company employs over 1,400 people across offices in Belfast, Derry/Londonderry, Letterkenny, London, New York and Porto. Whilst FinTrU is managed as a profit-driven organisation, the company’s senior leadership also considers FinTrU as having a social purpose to create high-quality professional employment. FinTrU joined the Belfast Chamber as it was excited to be part of a network along with some of Northern Ireland’s finest and exciting businesses.

FinTrU Ltd

FinTrU House, 1 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA

028 9592 4437


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