EDH Management Consulting Ltd

EDH Management Consulting Ltd. offers a specialised range of consulting and implementation services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to drive innovation and transformational growth. The catalyst for this offering is driven by changing business environments locally and globally, propelled by highly competitive market conditions and disruptive technologies which are changing the face of traditional business models and revolutionising employee and customer expectations.

Companies of all sizes are making the decision to undergo transformational change in a host of areas for a wide variety of reasons: technology change, efficiency drive, cost reduction, lack of business growth, merger or acquisition alignment, low customer satisfaction, rising customer expectations, political climate or requirements driven by sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility.

EDH Management Consulting Ltd. supports with:

• Digital/Technology Transformation
• Transformation to a new Target Operating Model (TOM)
• Programme Management and Programme Management Office (PMO) Setup
• Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility strategy and implementation
• Business Operations Support

The range of services are described as discrete offers but can be packaged up in any way to suit your needs. These services are underpinned by a business sustainability lens combined with significant experience in start-up high growth initiatives and business transformation programmes working in multinationals and start-ups.

If you are a SME, you can engage in whichever way suits your needs and we will flex to support:

If you are a medium or large enterprise, you can engage in whichever way suits your needs and we will flex to support:

• Discuss one of the services outlined below to determine a customised scope of work. We can begin with a ‘health check’ to determine areas for specific focus
• You may have a short-term, interim or contact role to fill a current resource gap
• Or you may require support to get a transformation/change program established or troubleshoot existing programs with challenges.

For more information visit: EDH Management Consulting Ltd | consulting services | Northern Ireland, UK or contact eithne@edhmanagementconsulting.com

EDH Management Consulting Ltd

07388 512665


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