Belfast Harbour

As the primary gateway to Northern Ireland, and a key hub for trade, Belfast Harbour handles more than 70% of the region’s imported and exported goods transported by sea. The 2,000 acre Harbour Estate also hosts more than five million tourist visits annually, including 1.5 million ferry and cruise ship passengers.

Belfast Harbour Estate, at the heart of the city’s Innovation District is also home to a vibrant mix of over 760 businesses working across multiple sectors, to include marine logistics and heavy engineering, commercial and residential real estate, retail, financial and IT services, tourism and leisure, media and creative industries

As a Trust Port, Belfast Harbour reinvests its net earnings after tax in developing the port and its estate for the benefit of customers and the region.

An ongoing £250million 5-year investment programme in port infrastructure and real estate projects will help deliver Belfast Harbour’s vision to be an economic hub for the region, a world leading regional port, upholding the highest environmental standards and adopting innovative Smart technology and digital infrastructure.  Working with key civic and community partners Belfast Harbour’s strategic ambition is to create a thriving and iconic waterfront for the City.

We are passionate about ensuring that the economic growth delivered by Belfast Harbour is mirrored in our responsible business activity and engagement with local communities. Delivering a positive social impact is at the heart of our decision making, as we develop sustainably, protect our environment and connect communities. Social responsibility has been embedded in Belfast Harbour’s DNA for generations.

Belfast Harbour

Harbour Office Corporation Square BelfastCo. Antrim BT1 3AL

028 9055 4422
