We are delighted to have Councillor Micky Murray, Lord Mayor of Belfast opening this Meet the Buyer event, giving organisations the opportunity to connect with senior buyers at some of Northern Ireland’s largest organisations. Join us to build your network and gain insights into how to win contracts and become a preferred supplier.
With organisations such as NI Water, Belfast City Council – Procurement, Education Authority, Thales UK, Translink and Belfast International Airport confirmed to date, the Event promises to provide you with:
• A unique chance to meet directly with senior buyers at some of Northern Ireland’s largest organisations.
• The opportunity to discuss your offering and to receive signposting and advice from Senior Buyers in relation to what is required to become a “preferred supplier” to their organisation.
• A better understanding about the opportunities that exist for your company within the Buying organisations, as well as future contracts that might be relevant to your business.
• Viewpoints from key stakeholders in relation to procurement trends, such as the importance of social value.
• Insights into how best to approach large organisations and to better-position your business to win the right contracts – from companies that have achieved key wins and bidding success.
• A guest business speaker from Diversity NI sharing their experiences of business support
This event is aimed at Micro Enterprises, SMEs and Social Enterprises (organisations / companies employing fewer than 250 people) based in the Belfast City Council area.
We very much look forward to welcoming you to what promises to be a very worthwhile event.
Attendee numbers will be limited, therefore, we advise that you register for the event early. Pre-registration is essential.
This workshop is brought to you as part of Go Succeed NI. Go Succeed represents a significant investment in local entrepreneurs and businesses, funded by the UK Government.
Please note as this is AN IN-PERSON event, the registration numbers for this are restricted. Whilst Go Succeed operates across NI, this event is being hosted by Belfast City Council, therefore should the event reach capacity and a waiting list is created, priority access will be given to Businesses based in the Belfast City Council area.
To register:
Go Succeed Grow: Meet the Buyer for Belfast Based Businesses at Belfast City Hall, Belfast on Wed 19 March