Concept Designs revealed for Belfast Stories
In 2030, Belfast Stories will open in Belfast city centre on the 5000 square metre site where North Street and Royal Avenue meet including the Art Deco former Bank of Ireland building.
Belfast Stories brings together three threads as one – a public space, visitor attraction and creative hub.
- A public space – a place for everyone to gather, helping us to express our unique identities and share them with others.
- A visitor attraction which clearly communicates the spirit of the city – its past, its present and its future.
- A creative hub where writers, musicians, artists and film makers can meet to create and collaborate.
The landmark development was announced in December 2021 and is the flagship project in the tourism and regeneration strand of the Belfast Region City Deal programme of investment.
Belfast City Council is running a public consultation for Belfast Stories until 23 February 2025. You can find out more about Belfast Stories and the concept designs here. At the end of 2022 we asked you what you thought about our early plans before any design work started. Details from that consultation are available here. Since then, we’ve appointed our design teams – and now we want to hear your views on these early concept designs and discuss how we’ve taken on board your previous feedback. The consultation document outlining our plans is attached for information.
The aims of this consultation are to
- continue to promote the project, raise awareness and gain buy-in.
- make sure that Belfast Stories is for everyone – including completion of an equality impact assessment (EQIA) and a rural needs impact assessment (RNIA).
- Gain feedback on current design thinking and plans, and for what we hear and learn to inform the next phase of the project.
As part of the consultation we are hosting a session in partnership with Belfast Chamber on 6 February at 11.30am in City Hall. You can register to attend here.
You can also feedback by completing the survey online here.
You can find out more information here.