Belfast Jobs Fair 2024 | Tuesday 8 October 2024 | St George’s Market, Belfast

Belfast City council is hosting a Jobs Fair on Tuesday 8 October 2024 at St George’s Market, in partnership with Belfast Labour Market Partnership and the Department for Communities.

The event will run between 10am and 2pm.

On the day, a wide range of employers and support organisations from various sectors will be exhibiting.

Gateway to Choices (G2C) advisors will be on hand to provide information, advice, and guidance to Belfast residents on the options available in the city to support them into employment, training or reskilling for a new career.

So if you’re looking for a job, or a new challenge, pop in and have a chat!

It’s a fantastic opportunity for those searching for jobs, changing career, or simply looking for some advice. Our Jobs Fair also provides a perfect opportunity for local employers to showcase what their businesses have to offer, reach a wide talent pool, and potentially identify future recruits, at no cost.

For employers

If you are an employer, and you would be interested in exhibiting free of charge at the Belfast Jobs Fair, please complete  Expression of Interest form.

Thank you for submitting your application form, a member of the team will be in touch shortly with confirmation of your registration and an Invoice for payment.