Modulus Financial Planning Ltd

Whatever stage of your life you’re at, whether you’re running your own business, thinking of retiring or working to support your growing family, we want to help you live the life you want. Our clients all have different circumstances, hopes and dreams, and by working with us, we will do our best to help you make them a reality.

What drives us

We want to help our clients live the life they want, through delivering the absolute value of financial planning.

Personal finance is scary for some people. It’s too complicated or boring for others. Our aim is to simplify it as much as we can do, to help people feel more confident about their future and not need to worry about their financial position.

If we can deliver this successfully, we truly believe our clients can live the life they want. They will know what they need to do to achieve their goals, or already have enough to be able to start planning their next steps.

What drives you

Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options.” Chris Rock

Our clients all have different reasons for contacting us. Some have a clearer idea of what they want to get out of it than others. Some want to retire soon. Some want to know they are doing the right thing. Some want to know their family is going to be looked after if something happened to them. However, it almost always can be summarised by saying people want peace of mind. “Am I, and my family, going to be ok if…?”

You want to know that you can do the things you want to and still afford your lifestyle for the remainder of your life. You want to make sure that should things change unexpectedly, you know everyone will be looked after.

When you are ready to talk, we’re here to listen. We can help you consider all your options and help you decide the best way forward.

Business Owner
Helping to make your business work harder for you

Planning for your retirement
Helping prepare you for the next stage of your life, and making sure you have enough

Growing Family
Help to plan for and protect those most important to you, no matter what?

Later life planning
Planning for what will happen, to make sure everything goes to the right people at the right time

Personal Injury
Helping you keep control and get back to living your life.

DIY Investing
Get started investing to make your money work harder

What our clients will say about us

Who we want to be
We want to be known as a financial planning company who truly puts their clients first.  We will demonstrate the absolute value of financial planning by helping our clients to make informed decisions about their future lifestyle.

We want our clients and professional connections to be comfortable to talk about us and recommend us, knowing that we will act in the best interests of whoever we work with

We want to “walk the walk” as well as “talk the talk.” If we are helping our clients to achieve their goals, we should also be able to reach ours. It is our ambition that we will reach a level where we can enjoy our desired lifestyle, while ensuring our clients don’t feel disadvantaged.

Improve Financial Education
We believe there is a lack of financial education in society, which we want to address by sharing knowledge and expertise with our clients’ families and/or for business owners and their staff. We hope that through our website and social media, we can share useful insights and help people help themselves, even if they don’t require full financial planning.

Reducing our Impact on the environment
As much as possible, we want to minimise our impact on the world and environment around us.
A key part of this will be by reducing paperwork.

We want to reduce paperwork to
• Save time for our clients reading it and our staff preparing it
• Help the environment by not overusing resources printing excessive amounts of documents

We will do this through using technology and digital media. We will make use of digital signatures, digital delivery and aim to be as conscious of what we give clients, as far as we can be.
In our investment strategy, we will aim to have an Environmental, Social and Governance filter (ESG Investing), if we can do so without impacting our core investment beliefs. We believe we can achieve this without affecting the return and minimising risk, and so we feel an ethical duty to do so.

Where possible, without affecting our service or client experience, we will aim to be as environmentally friendly as we can, as we want our children to have the same opportunities we did. We all should be trying to reduce our footprint on the world. After all, you can either be part of the problem, or part of the solution!

Our Values

Be Comfortable
we want you to be comfortable to ask us anything or to attend meetings. We don’t expect you to wear your Sunday best and come prepared knowing everything – and we won’t either. Personal finances are complicated and so there’s no such thing as “a silly question”

Do as we say
if one of us says we are going to do something, we will do it when and how we said we would.

Your goals are your goals
whatever it is you want to achieve, we will try our best to help you to achieve that goal. We won’t impose our own opinions or judge you for what you want to do.

whether this is with our clients, professional connections or work between colleagues, we all work together for the same outcome and will help each other as and when needed.

whatever we try to do, we will always strive to do it properly and efficiently.

in everything we do, we will try to keep it as simple as possible (we hate writing long reports as much as you hate pretending to have read them).

Have fun
most of the time, people seek financial advice after a serious event (death; illness; divorce; realisation they don’t know where they stand) and as serious as this is, we want you to enjoy your interactions with Modulus FP.

we will tell you the truth about your money, so that you can make an informed decision.

Always moving forwards
both personally and as a business, our goals should be discussed, measured, reviewed and updated regularly.

Modulus Financial Planning Ltd

Suite 12, Avonmore House,, 15 Church Square, Banbridge, BT32 4AP

028 40 33 68 67

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